A broken society {Friends} - a short story by Berni Albrighton

I must have become desensitised to the despair around me. For the past three days we had walked in and around the center of Birmingham and looked on in disbelief at a society that was broken, that was struggling to get through the day, moving within a system that was not just cracked, but shattered into millions of brittle, jagged pieces. We came upon people lying horizontal on the pavement as if dead. We stepped over legs that were stretched out, the attached torso toppled sideways, eyes closed. Young men lifted their clothing to reveal pale skin covered in red spots, others undid their waistbands and with both hands delved down into flesh that seldom saw daylight, ripping at the skin to try and get relief. Crowds of regular people who had no choice but to put themselves in the same air space, walked from here to there, trying to avoid eye contact, wearing an invisible sign that said ‘Don't look at me, don't talk to me’ All the while trying to avoid the addicts and the no ...