Death is the greatest leveller.......... Vic Davey

 "Death is the greatest leveller" so sayeth Roman poet Claudius Claudianus. Whether it be a King, Queen, World leader, Billionaire, or just plain old me, at the end of the day, we do all go the same way. Ok, each mode of exit might be different but when Father Time catches up with us and the Grim Reaper stretches out his bony finger, the end is the same for all, and in that moment, we join the other hundreds of thousands other souls who have passed that day. Many of them die believing in an After Life, many will not and many live in hope but perhaps, fearful of how it might be.

But suppose, just suppose there is one. I don't mean the kind where we sit on a fluffy cloud in a white robe all day, plucking a harp with Cherubims and Seraphims fluttering around us. But suppose we can really meet up again with relatives and friends who have  passed before. Mother's, Fathers, Grandparents, Aunts and Uncles, old school friends. What would we say to them? What would our conversations be like? Or would we have some kind of big Welcome Home party? 

Sadly, my Mum died when I was 14, so just imagine the catching up we would do, recapturing all those lost years, the Wife she never met, the grandchildren she never saw or got to know. And my Father who passed also many years ago. What would we talk about? He loved music, was a musician in his early years and had lots of stories about his life. Would they both be proud of the large family we became? Or perhaps they are able to watch us through the thin veil which divides life from death? Mind you, there are lots of things I hope they wouldn't be able to see.

And suppose we were able to meet and rub shoulders with the rich and famous, the Queen, Ghandi, John Wayne and, heaven forbid, Hitler! Would we all be equal at last? No more injustice, no more tyrrany, no more greed, no more poverty. A level playing field where no one is superior to the other. How fascinating it would be to chat to Isaac Newton, Shakespeare, Charles Darwin or maybe to recreate a moment in history, get together Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin and get their thoughts on how the World turned out. Or would the really bad people get sent somewhere else? 

And, who really did shoot JFK? 

So, Claudius old chap, you got us talking about the one thing that, perhaps,  we all shy away from the most, Death. But in the words of the Dalai Lama, " Analysis of death is not for the sake of  making us fearful but to appreciate this precious lifetime". 


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