
Showing posts from February, 2025

Things that make me happy. By Charles Roberts

  The music in my head when I go for a long walk, The company of a good friend when we talk. The Martins and Swallows as they fly and sing, Bringing with them the promise of spring. The warmth of a cat curled up on my knee, The sight of new buds upon a fruit tree. Finding a story which I thought that I’d lost, Seeing all the trees covered in frost. The smell of freshly baked bread, The different stories running in my head. The sight of the sun on a winter’s day, A call from a friend saying that they are okay. Listening to the stories read by the group, A bowl of freshly made soup. The sewing of seeds and having to wait,   And watching them grow as they germinate. The taste of tomatoes straight from the vine, Picking them and knowing that they are mine. The smell of frying bacon in the morning, A boat bobbing up and down on its mooring. The sound of gentle summer rain, As it patters on the window pane. The vegetable garden looking s...

Poema para Elian- as told by Jose Cavet - 500 Word Open Mic

  The Written Word Groups 2nd Anniversary and 4th 500 Word Open Mic Event The 14th February 2025 - Kubatin - Hostal Meson - Arboleas In this we get two fantastic poems for the price of one. The first is an original poem in Spanish by Jose Cavet. A faboulous poem to honour his son Elian, and his homeland Venezuela.  Followed by a beautiful a rtistic interpretation  of Jose's poem by Jeremy Patton.

Barry Manilow - as told by Frank Sonderborg - 500 Word Open Mic Event

The Written Word Groups 2nd Anniversary and 4th 500 Word Open Mic Event 14th February 2025 - Kubatin - Hostal Meson - Arboleas A story about the Earth getting hit with an Asteroid and our music selection

The Crosby family By Charles Roberts

  The Crosby family had always been smugglers, since the seventeen fifties in fact, the only thing that had changed was the product they smuggled into the country.   It was always something which would bring the highest profit and from the nineteen sixties it was drugs.   They guarded their ‘turf’ with a rough justice, always metered out in the dead of the night and always the same, but in different locations around their patch.           They could be seen from a mile off in this flat countryside.   Four spread eagled bodies, each one pinned to one of the sails of the windmill as it slowly turned, pumping the fen water out of the fields and into the dyke.   That’s the sort of punishment you get when you cross the Crosby family, any of the Crosby family.   They stuck together and looked after one-another, old and young alike, cross them at your peril.           The...

The Inquiry into Accidental Death - as told by A.C. Brokenshire - 500 Word Open Mic

The Inquiry into Accidental Death - as told by A.C. Brokenshire The Written Word Groups 2nd Anniversary and 4th 500 Word Open Mic Event 14th February 2025 - Kubatin - Hostal Meson - Arboleas  

A Valentines Dinner - as told by Berni Albrighton - 500 Word Open Mic Event

A Valentines Dinner - as told by Berni Albrighton The Written Word Groups 2nd Anniversary and 4th 500 Word Open Mic Event 14th February 2025 - Kubatin - Hostal Meson - Arboleas A violent story of revenge and a Valentines Dinner  

The Luv Rat as told by Frank Sonderborg - 500 Word Open Mic Event -

  The Luv Rat as told by Frank Sonderborg  The Written Word Groups 2nd Anniversary and 4th 500 Open Mic  Event The Luv Rat covers the infamous Valentines Day Massacre in Chicago 1929 Where Al Capone had his rival gang wacked in a garage run as a Bootleg Distribution Center for Bugs Moran.

Granddad Based on a true story, by Charles Roberts

          “If you join up promise that you’ll keep your head down won’t you.”           “Don’t worry about me love.   There’s a whole bunch of us going in together.   We’ll take of each other.”           And so it was that Tommy found himself down at the police station that day with all his mates.   They arrived there before time and stood outside in a line which stretched for twenty yards or more, all waiting to sign on and fight for King and country.   A sergeant came out of the police station and called for quiet, he looked right smart in his greeny brown uniform with three white stripes on his arms.   “Listen up,” he called again, don’t ask to be a driver, everyone wants to be a driver and we have enough drivers to fill a train, so don’t ask to be a driver.”           He we...

The problem of the body. A grewsome tale by Charles Roberts

          “How does one get rid of a body?”   She asked her father suddenly.           “That would depend on how big the body is.”   He answered thinking.           “All right.   Just say I want to get rid of you.   How would I do it?”   She enquired.           “Well I weigh about thirteen stone, how much do you weigh?”   Wondering where this was leading.           “Nine and half stone.”           “Do you think that you could lift me as I am?”           “I might be able to, but it would take all my strength.”           “Right!   Now imagine that I was dead and lying in the floor. ...

Feathered Friends, Now that makes me happy - A short story by Berni Albrighton

  There were several big trees laden with enough olives to keep the three thousand or so Starlings satisfied for a couple of weeks. We were humbled and entertained by the murmuration's and acrobatic displays. They let us eavesdrop on their chatter as they sat tightly side by side on the electric cables. And as a parting gift they deposited  their black droppings everywhere. The newly installed bird feeder and water bowl is stocked with   Seeds, grapes and suet balls,  offering up promises of a full belly,  but one must be patient.         Birds are not impulsive and spontaneous when it comes to feeders.  They spend weeks watching, weighing up the comings and goings before they will feast. The Starlings completely ignored this area, leaving it for the Blackcaps and the Robin, the Song Thrush and the Black Redstarts.   I spend many minutes at a time watching our feathered visitors who, in this vast countrysid...

The Luv Rat - by Frank Sonderborg

I was freezing my ass off, watching the SMC Cartage Company garage, on North Clark Street, in Chicago's Lincoln Park.  It was Bugs Moran’s Bootleg joint. And Capone wanted him wacked.  Sooner than later.  I had my own reasons to be there. And his name was Schwimmer. The Luv Rat. I found out he’d been banging my missus while I was away in the Pen.  I confronted her when I got my early release. “Whatcha think I am!!! A frigging nun? Of course I was banging him.  He was here, you weren’t, end of story.” Put like that, it sounded quite reasonable. But then she had to twist the knife, “He luves me. An I luves him.” I checked him out. He shouldn’t been banging my missus. Period.  No excuses. No mercy. The guy was a love rat.  He was banging the broads right left and centre. Told the broads he was a big-time gangster.  He was a bum, a nuthing. A hang around. Just another wannabe mobster.  The dumb schmuck. Schwimmer would pay a high price for hangin...

The new house a tale of the supernatural by Charles Roberts

  If you watch the television programmes, they all tell you that the location of a house is the most important part of buying that house.   Carl and Julie weren’t that bothered about the house’s location.   They were more concerned about what the house had to offer.   It was a large house which had four good sized bedrooms, together with a nice sized bathroom upstairs.   Downstairs it had a large kitchen which could accommodate a table, should they wish.   A large living room and separate dining room.   There was also another good sized room which Carl thought that could be turned into an office.   However the main reason that they had been attracted to the property was the garden, it was about two acres with an orchard attached.   Another plus to this property was the view, it was uninterrupted across the open fields to the town and hills beyond. The house needed work doing to it, but they were young and could handle the work.   T...

Strange happening on the pan. A true tale of the supernatural By Charles Roberts

  If you go to any Air Force station, both in use and not, in the country of Great Britain you will find tales of strange happenings.   In a very few cases these can be explained, but the majority cannot.   Like the one at an old wartime airfield near Doncaster.   They flew Liberators from there during the war, this one night the squadron were setting off for a raid on Cologne or Essen.   One aircraft managed to take off but one of his engines failed and he came down into a marsh, his bomb load exploding on impact, all they could do was fill the hole in.   In the 70’s a friend told me this tale.   It was well known that, on occasions, a man dressed in full flying kit with his parachute over his shoulder could be seen standing at the side of the road opposite the end of the runway.   A friend of mine was riding his motorcycle in to work one day and saw him, as have quite a few other travellers along that stretch of road. The story I am about to...