Things that make me happy. By Charles Roberts
The music in my head when I go for a long walk,
The company of a good friend when we talk.
The Martins and Swallows as they fly and sing,
Bringing with them the promise of spring.
The warmth of a cat curled up on my knee,
The sight of new buds upon a fruit tree.
Finding a story which I thought that I’d lost,
Seeing all the trees covered in frost.
The smell of freshly baked bread,
The different stories running in my head.
The sight of the sun on a winter’s day,
A call from a friend saying that they are okay.
Listening to the stories read by the group,
A bowl of freshly made soup.
The sewing of seeds and having to wait,
And watching
them grow as they germinate.
The taste of tomatoes straight from the vine,
Picking them and knowing that they are mine.
The smell of frying bacon in the morning,
A boat bobbing up and down on its mooring.
The sound of gentle summer rain,
As it patters on the window pane.
The vegetable garden looking so full,
All the weeds coming out with a gentle pull.
Watching the colours in a sunrise or sunset,
Seeing a long-time friend well met.
Watching one of my favourite films on TV,
Now that’s what makes me happy.
Hi, Peter, Jeremy here. I really enjoyed your poem. If someone has shown it to me without telling me who wrote it, I would have known it was you. You have managed to do couplets without it being nursery-rhymey. Thank you.