Written Word Group Focus Group 2025

 A Focus Group was created, with the job of getting

 a Written Word Group anthology book published

in 2025.

This anthology is restricted to current members of The Written Word Group.

The last Focus meeting confirmed this objective. 
The first order of the day was to confirm the Publishing Platform we intend to use. We all agreed Amazon's KDP would be our choice for our first published book.
The book which will comprise both eBook & print on demand versions. 
Will consist of contributions from our current Written Word Group members.
This will be in the form of 2 stories per person.
Max word count per contributed story will be 1000.
3 stories will be accepted per person, with the understanding it will be 2 stories plus a spare.
The cut off date for submitting the 3 stories
Will be 01/02/2025
Email address to send these to: 
Stories will need 
Word Count:
Authors name: 
Plus a short third person Bio.
Submissions are to be in Times New Roman 14 pt.
The focus group will coordinate editing to avoid typos.
There will be no editorial board deciding which pieces will be admitted. 
The Written Word members, should submit their pieces in priority order.

TWWG as publisher does not have exclusive rights to an author's story. The publisher TWWG holds a non-exclusive license. This means the author retains their copyright and can grant similar rights to other publishers or use the work themselves, while the publisher TWWG has permission to use or distribute the work without exclusivity.

The Written Word Focus Group 2025


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