I have heard his read aloud several times, but this reading was one of the best. It is so appropriate to what is happening in the US, it was perfect timing.
I proposed to Julia Roberts. But for goodness sake, keep it to yourself, if word gets out there'll be a media circus. Anyway, she was in London promoting a new film and she was staying in the Dorchester. I happened to be there too and that was when we met. I was walking down this corridor towards Reception, the Americans call it the Lobby. She came out right in front me, out of the Ladies loo. I knew who she was straight away of course but the embarrassing thing was she'd caught the back of her skirt in her underwear and didn't know. It's funny the things which go through your mind at times and I remember thinking her knickers were more TK Maxx than Rodeo Drive if you know what I mean. Well I couldn't let her walk through the hotel like that, so I caught up with her and touched her on the shoulder and said, "Miss Roberts, you have something of a wardrobe malfunction," nodding at her skirt. She looked at me like she had trodden in something, obviousl...
The Written Word Group Based at the Meson Hostal In Arboleas, Almeria, Spain Email: thewrittenwordgroup.albox@gmail.com All the graphics on this blog have been created using hotpot.ai Submissions for TWWG Book should be sent to twwg1.focus@gmail.com The Written Word Group Calendar
Here we have Berni Albrighton introducing Charles Roberts. Charles is the latest member of The Written Word Group, to appear on Breeze 97.7FM Charles reads two stories. The Morning Walk. A story of a walk in the early morning in a mountainous region of Spain. His second story is called Friends. And was generated from the monthly word challenge. Where every month, The Written Word Group is challenged to write a story from a given word. You can find a lot of these 500 word stories on this blog.
I have heard his read aloud several times, but this reading was one of the best. It is so appropriate to what is happening in the US, it was perfect timing.