Old Dream Awakened………Aileen Cleave

Old Dreams Awakened

It’s spring, April , and several months into the New Year, a time when our good intentions are starting to waiver, reinventing ourselves is starting  to pall, and our eagerness for self improvement is decidedly dimmer.  This is the time to double down on our efforts, dig deep into our psyche and ask,  what is it I’ve always longed to do, but had neither the time nor the confidence to try.

As we age - gracefully, we hope - what we enjoyed five or ten years ago, takes a little more effort now.  Yes,  I know what you’re thinking - I need to watch how I phrase this!  I am, of course , talking about golf, tennis, and sport in general.  Perhaps now to stay fulfilled, we need to embrace something more cerebral, less physical.

This is precisely how a group of us thought a year ago when, spearheaded by the wonderful enthusiasm of Bernie Albrighton and David Waters,  we started The Written Word Group.   Most of us, in our youth, had seemingly improbable dreams of doing something amazing, of being a singer, dancer, actor, model or writer.  When real life occurs to us and living takes over, these dreams fade but never, never die.  In all of us they are still lurking in a dusty part of our spirit, and the thing is, the wonderful thing is that of all those dreams, writing is the one where  it is never too late to start, we are never too old to begin  writing.  Indeed, the accepted thinking now is the older we are, the more stories we have to tell.  I’m quite sure, thinking of all my Almanzora neighbours and contemporaries there will be many people with amazing stories to tell, stories which can be posted to our blog for friends and family to enjoy.    It’s also a very pleasant way to meet new people and make new friends.

We are a small, friendly group and would love to welcome anyone with a similar bent or  ambition.  To celebrate our first anniversary, we are holding a writers’ version of an Open Mic session when anyone can come along  and either listen or join in with their own offering of around 500 words.  Believe me, none of us is used to reading out loud and we all flounder.

The  next Open Mic session of The Written Word Group will be held Wednesday 8th May at the Bar Kubatin, Hostal Meson, Arboleas, starting at 1.30.    There is no obligation to stay for any set time, but we envisage it winding up around 4.00.  No need to book, just turn up and enjoy, or as a precursor and in order to learn more of what we are about,  and you have enjoyed our bog,  you  can also contact us at balbrighton@gmail.com.


  1. Old and new dreams awakened. Nicely put Aileen.

  2. The aging process is an interesting one and affects us all in different ways. Some of us embrace the final chunk of our lives where we endeavor to live with intention and purpose. The group has given us all a focus, aside of our usual lives, and has forced us to step outside of our comfort zones. It has been a definite awakening. Thank you Aileen.


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