The Plays - by Charles Roberts


The plays  Charles Roberts

In two thousand and eight I joined the Luvvies theatre group, I was thrown in at the deep end and put straight into a Neil Simon play about a man with a back problem; obviously I was type cast as I have a back problemAnyway, once the performance was over, I thought that I could write plays as good as this, so I started writingI wrote two fifteen-minute comic plays which the group performed as part of their Christmas review.  This was the start of my obsession with writing plays. 

Two years later a friend advised me to get the plays published and I became totally consumed with getting my work to publishers and possibly seeing my plays performed on a professional stageHere we are twelve years on, and I have had three of my plays performedOne on a charitable, hospital radio, one I produced in Arboleas, to raise money for the charity Age SupportAnd the third was performed by a group of semi-professionals in Newquay for ten weeks as part of their summer season.   

I have twenty plays published, from fifteen-minute one act plays to one-hundred-minute full length plays together with many other plays on my computer which could be published, but it is getting the time and inclination to submit them to one of my three publishersSome of them good, some are not so good, and some are not worth reading, as far as I am concerned, but who am I to judgeI am simply the author who put a lot of work into coming up with the story lines, the characters, and the directions for the actors to follow as well as all the props needed for the players to use during the performance. 

I have tried to re-write some plays into stories, some with success others withoutI have tried putting the play ‘Dance of the Mayflies,’ a romance, into a story three times, each with a different angle, but none seem to workOthers like ‘A fading memory, converted very well.   

However, looking at the three documents' sections on my computer I decided that I needed to get everything into one placeSo, I doth subsume all my published plays, stories, and books into one folder in a documents section of the computer; that way I should, in theory, be able to lay my hands on any of my published work easily and quickly, time will tell. 


  1. Very good Charles. You really should have a chat with David at the next meeting. He is keen to get short plays read on local radio.

  2. Really interesting Charles...impressed!


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