TWWG OPEN MIC...........Written by Vic Davey

 The Two R's...

I worked out the other day that I have been writing for this Mag for something around 11 years, covering just about every subject under the Sun and  then some. Where have all those years gone?

Consequently, pretty much everything I write is 'fact based'. I was intrigued then when, back in January last year, I had the opportunity to join a local Writer's Group, based in Albox, which was just starting up. 

This bought together a bunch of people, passionate about writing, some already published and really talented. Writing is largely a solitary activity with few opportunities to talk to other like-minded folk about the subject in order to develop, improve and get inspiration. So much so that for me, I have been able and encouraged to write a whole lot of fiction, since we review and enjoy each other's work when we meet each month. 

Just recently and to celebrate our First Birthday, we decided to hold a "Writer's Open-Mic" event for folk to come along and either read some of their own work, be it poetry, stories or anecdotes, or just listen to others. We advertised extensively, hoping people would be attracted; had a great Poster created by one of our  members and also involved the Euro Weekly and Spectrum radio to spread the news. 

To be honest, we had little idea if anyone except The Group and our partners would turn up. We had organized a room at The Meson in Arboleas, a professional photographer and a Guitarist to entertain us during the intervals. We set the date for 7th Feb at 13.30......

The great day arrived and the Writer's Group members waited, nervously, to see if their hard work had paid off. We needn't have worried, people streamed into the room and in the end, we found it difficult to seat them all!

I am pleased to say, the whole event was a resounding success!! Everyone was entertained by the superb writing of those who read, both Group members and guests who turned up on the day, some having to overcome their fear of reading to the public for the first time but, hopefully, not the last. 

The Writer's Group had envisioned a monthly event, depending really, on how the first one turned out. Our fear was unfounded and we have already started advertising the next which will be held again at The Meson on 8th May at 13.30, but in their larger Kubatin room! 

The Group's next Monthly meeting is 15th March at The Meson Arboleas at 10.30 am.You are more than welcome to pop in and see us for a chat and to listen to more stories.

So, from the germ of an idea by Bernie Albrightson and David Waters and as a result of their vision and hard work, we hope for many more such events in the future. 

If, in the meantime, you would like more information, our contact email address is If you would like to view and read Member's work, or even contribute, please take a look at


  1. ĂŚWell written, covers the event very well. There was a suprising number of interested people who turned up to listen to some amazing stories. Onwards and upwards. Next stop, The Kubatin in May.

  2. This has captured the event beautifully. Thankyou vIC.


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