The Reunion written by Maria-Elena Heed

 Roberto and Elena moved to Liverpool, before that he spent the summer in Norwich University learning English.  The University  ran crash courses for foreign students over the summer.  

Elena and her  baby daughter went to live with her mother in Belgium whilst Roberto finished his English  course and looked for a place for his young family to live. 

Liverpool’s weather was different from Norwich. It rained most of the time, though this particular day, it was cold but sunny with a blue sky, not a cloud in sight, unusual for Autumn. Elena could feel the warmth of the sun shining through the windows. She closed her eyes and her mind wandered off,  thinking about her mum, whom she missed terribly, her warmth, her love and her tenderness. Understandably Elena was a young mother, only 21 years of age.  Also she remembered the happy times spent  with her youngest sibling and her dad. Elena loved languages so the six months spent at her mum's she became almost fluent in French. Whilst she was there she  visited famous places in Belgium such as  La Grand Place, the Manneken Pis, the Atomium, Zaventem. When suddenly Roberto came into the room making Elena return abruptly to reality. He demanded they needed to get going to see Pedro. Roberto and Pedro knew each other from Argentina but had lost contact when they flew to the UK at different dates. 

They had been living  in Liverpool for over a year when  Roberto heard Pedro was in Liverpool and found out he lived nearby.  

Pedro had invited him a few times to his house to discuss a couple of issues amongst them the return to their homeland. It was believed, at the time, Pinochet wasn't going to be in power for long so they were waiting to receive the go ahead from the powers to be, before they could go back home. So their lives were on hold for a couple of years, not making their houses a home. A very unsettling  way to live their lives. 

Elena  was acquainted with Pedro though she felt a bit out of place to visit them, nonetheless she needed to get out of the house for a change of scenery. She wrapped herself and her baby girl warm to walk to Pedro’s with Roberto, after all it was only a ten minute walk. 

When they arrived they were invited to come in, the apartment felt warm and the smell of freshly baked bread was inviting. There was a lady sitting in the front room with a young girl playing with dolls. Elena greeted her in English but she replied in Spanish. Elena thought they both looked familiar but didn't think much of it. She went through to the kitchen to see Pedro and his wife. After a while Roberto hinted to Elena  that the conversation was private so she headed to the front room. She sat opposite, looking at this lady, trying to remember where she had seen her before. When the lady called her little girl's name out, all of the sudden as if both their minds connected, and both said at the same time “Argentina”!! 

They stood up and gave each other a strong hug and a kiss. After composing themselves they sat down and caught  up with life, reminiscing about their time when they first met back in Argentina. 

As time went by, their bond grew stronger, although their lives took different paths, they kept in touch, and visited each other whenever  possible!! 


  1. Written from the heart and experience ♥

  2. Yes, as the reader I felt this had really happened. Your writing brings an experience that none of us can quite imagine. Its important that your voice is heard Maria -Elena.


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