We are one-Disclosure- a short story written by Berni Albrighton


Sean's Uncle sat at his usual corner table.  

He stood, arms open and pulled Sean to him.

“Good to see you. Terrible news about your Mum” 

“ Yep. Bloody horrible, even though we knew it was coming. How have you been?”

 “Well. you know. I still can't get used to the fact that my Joyce is dead. It's been a year already”

“I’m sorry I haven't been around much. Mum never got over Joyce dying. She kept saying that she should have gone first” 

“I know Sean, they stayed close all their lives”

“Let me go get some drinks”

Walking back to the table Sean noticed an envelope with his Mums’ handwriting on it. 

“It’s a letter from your Mum. She asked me to give it to you once she was gone”

“Do you want me to read it now, here?”

“I think it would be best Sean”


Sean caught a faint trace of lavender as he opened the envelope.

“Mum.” He whispered.

He stared at her handwriting. 

My Darling Sean.

I know you will be sitting with Uncle Dan as you read this.

I asked him to meet you at the pub so you could raise a toast to me.

Just the two of you.

Please don't be angry with me.

Your Uncle Dan will help make sense of things.

You see, Uncle Dan is your real Father.

Aunty Joyce was your real Mum.

She was 15 when she got pregnant and faced being put away in some institution. Awful places they were.

 I wasn't going to let that happen to my kid sister.

We agreed that your Dad and I would bring you up as our own.

Joe wanted to tell you so many times.

In his final days he begged me, but I wouldn't listen.

I have lived with that regret ever since.

I am a coward. I couldn't bear what might happen.

You were so loved, Sean. Forgive me.

Your Mother, Evelyn.

Sean could feel the weight of his Uncle's eyes on him.

He turned to see him crying. 

Sean reached for his hand.  “Am I the reason why you didn't have children?” 

“We never got over it Sean. Joyce especially. Like your Mum said, Joyce would have been put in a home and who knows what would have happened to you.  Evelyn and Joe, they couldn't have children, so we knew it would be for the best”.

“And is that why you lived so close to us?” 

“Yes. Your Mum and Dad agreed that we could be part of your life. I don't expect you to call me Dad. Joe was your Dad. Evelyn was your Mum. But I am here. I hope this doesn't change anything between us”

The two men sat in the quiet pub. 

“There's just the two of us now” whispered Sean gripping his Uncle's arm.

“That's true son, but we are one, me and you. Always will be”


  1. Wonderful....love the script in the letter. Can picture the scene.


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