Spanish & Zebra Stripes by T.A.Fynes



The CIA train hundreds of their agents to speak various foreign languages. But they stress, that the agent must not get too proficient in their chosen language. The aim for the agent, is to reach a conversational, just about get by, level.

What they don't want, is a perfect speaking agent, with a peculiar dialect from a certain section of whatever Town/City they are stationed in. It would raise too many awkward questions, so it is frowned upon. 

What they do want, is an agent speaking a bland, everywhere, everyman, supermarket, restaurant, chit chat in a bar, level of linguistic ability. Enough to recruit local agents and start a network.

In short, they want agents who do not stand out in a crowd.

It reminded me of a TV show where this business guru was saying, 

"Most businesses do not want specifically to succeed. 

What they want desperately, is not to fail. 

And he gave the example of the Zebras stripes, as a fantastic camouflage, to prove this theory.

The experts had studied the Zebra and could not work out how, having black & white stripes as a camouflage, helped, on the dusty green/brown African plains. It made no sense.

So, they set out to find out why.

The Lions hunting them, for example, have some excellent camouflage colouring. Which passes right in on the rolling plains of Africa.

The experts started tracking the Zebra herd but could not pin down any one particular beast to set their electronic tracker on, as the Zebras moved around, and they all looked the same. 

Eventually they selected one and marked it with a big red spot on its rump.

So now they could tag it and follow it through the herd.

The lions tracking the herd had the exact same problem. They needed to just target one Zebra. 

But which one, as they all looked the same. 

Then they spot one with a big red mark on its rump. 

Job done. Meat is back on the menu Boyzz.

It turns out, the Zebra Stripes are a herd camouflage. 

The Zebras will try to move in smaller circles, to be safe in the centre of the herd. 

The aim of the game is blend in, not to be noticed, just like the budding CIA agent.

So to in learning Spanish, the aim should be to become linguistically invisible. 

Be like a Zebra, stay in the safe middle of the herd. 

And do remember to get rid of that red spot from your rump.


  1. Very difficult to get rid of my red rump, I was born with it, Tom. I thoroughly enjoy your comparison of the zebras with the CIA institution. They are everywhere!!


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