Make it Vic Davey


I am a Trekkie, a massive Star Trek fan, have been since the Original series in the 60s and the Next Generation in the 90s. My partner Mary doesn't share my passion, or obsession as she calls it. She hates it, prefers the silly Rom.coms like Notting Hill and Pretty Woman...Yeuk! Mind you she does have a point. I collect memorabilia. Our spare bedroom looks like a Charity Shop. It's crammed with posters, photos, models and even life size cutouts of some of the characters.

I go to Conventions too whenever I can so I can get up close and personal with my heroes, Picard, Number One. Data, Worff and of course, Troy. I have spent thousands on my hobby, but why not? Mary could tell you why not. I have tried and tried to get her interested,  but no joy, until......

Unbeknownst to her, I sent for a full Klingon costume. It was the real biz, the wig complete with the Cornish pasty forehead, the beard, the Federation uniform.....the works.

One evening, I slipped into the bedroom while she was watching TV and changed into it. I opened the door and stepped into the lounge. I will never forget the look on her face....the jaw dropping, the eyes popping. And then I whipped out my batarang to show her,  waving it around in front of her. She moved towards me and I warned her the danger of touching it. The blades are very sharp.

I put it away, she came into my arms, we completed the Klingon Marriage ritual and now we are one.....boldly going where no one has gone before. 


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