A Tale of a grandmother by Maria-Elena Heed

It was one of those days Milly woke up feeling she was going to receive wonderful news. Little she knew that the news would change the dynamic in the family. 

Midday the phone rang and  it was her daughter. She felt butterflies in her stomach when she heard Ayalén, her daughter's voice, with a different tone. As if Milly could read her mind and before Ayalén could say anything, ,"don't tell me, you are going to be a mummy, aren't you?"

Ayalén responded "Yes mami!, and you are going to be a grandma".

There was a second or so of complete silence on the phone as both couldn't speak  feeling overwhelmed with this wonderful news. 

Milly thought to herself: "A new being developing inside my dear daughter and she is going to be a mummy, how wonderful nature is!"


Milly and Ayalén despite living a couple of hours away from each other they saw each other nearly every weekend.  They even went to see their relatives in Belgium by train. They used the Eurostar,  it was quicker that way, and more comfortable for Ayalén to get to Brussels. She was getting closer to having her baby.

It's was tradition in Milly's family to knit  garments for the babies of their daughters before their arrival. So Milly thought to start knitting almost immediately the main garment first, which is the baby shawl, followed by the little boots, then a cardigan and last little leggings.

The nine months flew by, Ayalén phoned to say her water had broken and that they were already  in the maternity hospital. Milly's husband drove to the hospital as soon as she put the phone down. 

Milly felt the driving to the maternity hospital took an eternity. She was so eager to get there and be with her Ayalén to give her support on such a memorable time of her life. When they arrived the baby had already entered this world.  Ayalén looked tired, her facial expressions had changed, burst blood vessels on her face, blood eye shots, where she pushed so hard for the baby to be born, she had a mummy face now!  She proudly held the baby in her arms grinning saying to Milly:

"Hello mum, meet your granddaughter", Ayalén cheerfully asked, "you want to hold her?"

Milly with tears of joy filled her eyes and thought in that instant …"it's been a while since I held a baby, I must be careful how I hold her to avoid hurting her".

Ayalén, as if she could read her mum’s thoughts, said convincingly and with certainty … ’Mum, relax you won't hurt her' 

Milly took great care to hold her newly born granddaughter. As she was holding the baby,  she felt a strong bond she never thought she had in her.  The joy and love Milly felt for her newly born granddaughter was innate. Milly grinned and thought to herself: "and now we are one, baby girl forever!".

The love and bond of a mother is strong but the love and bond of a grandmother is not only  as strong but also different!! If you're a grandmother you'd understand what I mean!


  1. That was great! Evoked so many memories of children and grandchildren being born....

  2. Lovely. It is so good to see you writing fluently and often. I hope these writings give you some comfort


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