The Written Word Group was created by 

Berni Albrighton  & David Holman-Hill Waters 01/12/2023.

Based out of Albox, the group of writers meet up once a month to chat and listen to each other’s written work. Some of the writers are in the process of completing a novel, whilst others have varied projects on the go. 

This Blog is used to further the aim of the Written Word Group and showcase the wide ranging talent that exists in this small group. We support writers in creating work, be that poetry, short stories, flash fiction. 

We currently have 7 permanent members, The Magnificent Seven, and we are delighted to be celebrating our one-year anniversary.

The time felt right to launch an OPEN MIC EVENT for writers of all genre. We aim for this to be a regular monthly event with the first one being held on: 

                                 Wednesday 7th February 2024 at 1.30pm to 4pm          

                             at Hostal Meson, Arboleas. (see location details below) 

Contact: 711040444

Email: twwg.almanzora@gmail.com

We invite all writers to read their work or just relax in the company of like minded people. We also welcome non writers who want to listen to a variety of work by local artists. Come along and help make this a successful event.

All types of original written work are welcome. The only restriction is that your work does not exceed 500 words.


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