Everyday Life - a short story written by Berni Albrighton

 "Morning Cecil"

"Morning Max"

"Where is everyone?"

"They went straight to the cafe,” replied Cecil. “James was hungry”

 "Well" said Max laughing. "Nothing new there"

"You missed a treat about 10 minutes ago"

said Cecil playfully. "Guess who has a boyfriend?"

"Ms Shiny Shoes?" replied Max.

"No," said Cecil. "Have another guess"

"Don't tell me, fag ash Lil"


"I give up" said Max "Who is it?"

"Lady in red"

"No! Really?" 

"Yes. Really"

"How? I mean, what did you see?"

"It was just after the others had left. 

She came out of her door, looking lovely as always in her red coat and she was 

hand in hand with a very dapper looking fellow. 

All smiles she was"

"Isn't that fantastic Cecil?"

"It certainly is. After all this time on her own” 

"Well that has made my day." said Max beaming.

"Oh oh. Look who's just turned up" Cecil nodded towards a skinny youth who was doing a very bad job of parking his car.

"He doesn't look old enough to drive” Max tutted.

Cecil shook his head.

"Why does he need something so big? I mean you can hardly see him behind the wheel."

They both started laughing.

"Now now" said Max. "We agreed not to be horrible and sarcastic in our old age"

They both laughed.

“They’re late this morning,” said Max, looking across at the young couple arguing loudly.

“Do you think they live together? I mean, they don't seem to like each other very much do they?”

“I don’t know Max,” said Cecil. “Everytime we see them they are arguing. Look, she’s just pushed him. Oh, he’s crossed over the road. Tut tut” 

"Regular as clockwork, here’s Mr. Beanie. What on earth? He's going to scare that young woman with his shouting"

"It's okay Max, here comes Mr.Belly, just in time”

 "Good heavens Cecil, he’ll get himself arrested if he’s not careful" said Max while staring wide eyed as Mr. Beanie grappled with Mr.Belly, the local policeman.

"At least he’d have somewhere dry to sleep and he’ll likely get fed.That wouldn't be a bad thing”

"Talking of being fed. Are you ready for breakfast Cecil?"

"Yes, let's go find the others "

They got there just in time. 

Mrs Brown - Cardigan was approaching her usual bench by the pond.

Soon she would be throwing handfuls of bread and broken biscuits to the ducks.

"Come on Max, let's get in there before those greedy ducks eat the lot"

As they flew down the ducks scarpered.

"Coo coo my darlings" sang Mrs Brown-Cardigan as Max and Cecil settled on the arm of the bench. 

"Mmmm. Digestives. My favourite" muttered Cecil.

Max watched as Cecil turned on the charm, crumbs falling on his fine, silver grey feathers.

“Here you are handsome sweetie” said Mrs Brown-Cardigan

Max thought of the people who they had seen this morning.

"Life is so less complicated when you are a pigeon," he said to himself. 

“Coo coo”


  1. Birds of a feather they say, coo coo together. You are getting into your stride Berni. Nice work.

  2. Really good! Reminds me of all the pigeons which used to inhabit Trafalgar Square, picking out tourists to dive bomb....and leave a deposit.


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