Spirit Cloud- a short story written by Berni Albrighton

As I walked back through the rambla, I watched as a large cloud hovered over our house.

        It descended slowly, engulfing the entire building in fine, web like textures.

        Soon the house was no longer visible.

        Do you know what I thought of?

        I thought of you Ellen and you Denis.

        I wondered if your energy, your spirit was in that cloud.

        I hoped it was your way of telling me that you had found each other.

        That in death you had reconnected as siblings.

         And that today you had chosen to come and see me.

        To check that I am finally at peace.

        That I have left behind the debris of the past.

       I I am.

       I I have.

        Did my home transfer energy filled with love and acceptance? 

        You see I no longer drag around the remnants of sadness and horror.

       I I have put them away safely so that I can revisit them when I am strong enough.

        It's been so long without you.

        Is it hard to find your way through the mass of energy and spirits?

       I Is that why I haven’t felt your presence, even though I have cried for it. 

       Have you been travelling through the universe all this time?

       I I have to believe that you have both found peace and safety in each other's company.

        For me, the months and years roll on and my memories lose their clarity.

        Except that day.

       Then my sensations deliver everything in intense detail.

        If I am at home when you come again I shall step outside and try to embrace the 

        wispy clouds. 

        I will listen hard and try to hear the word.



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