A kind of love- short story written by Berni Albrighton


“I’ve never known that kind of love,” she said.  She turned away, but not before I saw the tear running down her face. “I never will either” she murmured

She had read the story of a lady who mourned the loss of her husband 

and the love they had shared.

The lady spoke of their bodies fitting together perfectly when making love.

How holding hands when they walked felt like the most natural thing to do.

And she had felt no fear in exposing her feelings to him.

“At my age I am not going to either”

She looked at me expecting a response.

What could I say?

She was right.

I appreciated that her husband wasn't the tactile sort.

He didn't have it in him to be gentle and loving, that wasn't his way. 

He loved her as a ‘matter of fact’

There wasn't any need for hand holding or soppy stuff like that.

He provided for her and protected her against the elements.

Wasn't that enough?

It had to be enough because nothing was going to change.

So instead she showered her dogs with love.

The kind of love where you can look into their eyes 

and watch as their pupils enlarge. 

Where you can cup their face in your hands and say, without any hesitation,

 “I love you”

Where bad moods and sulking don't exist.

The kind of love where appearances don't matter.

Total acceptance.

All of the time.

No matter what age.


  1. Beautiful way of explaining unconditional love of our animals. X

  2. Lovely stuff. I agree with that about dogs. But cats, now that is another story.

  3. Loved it. I wasn't a lover of dogs or any animals until I met my second husband who always have dogs and live animals.


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