Lady on the beach- a short story written by Berni Albrighton


It's 2am and I can't sleep.

It's always the same when I come here.

It's been 5 years Jeff.

5 long years without you. 

I feel so lonely. 

I miss the feelings of belonging and being loved. 

I miss the way you made me feel so beautiful each and every day.

How your hand fitted mine perfectly as we walked side by side. 

The way our bodies moved in harmony as we made love.

We were good together, you and I. 

Earlier, I had sat on the beach and I could still visualise the moment you proposed to me.

It was April, the beach was quiet, the day had been warm, not hot like now.

We sat on the blanket, you took the champagne from the hamper and we drank a toast  to the last day of our holiday in Mojacar.

Then you asked me to marry you.

When I said yes you jumped up, ran into the sea doing that crazy dance of yours and then came back with soggy trousers and a big grin on your face. 

We married in August and for the last 5 years, on our wedding anniversary I have travelled back to sit on the same spot. 

You would be so cross at me for doing this, but also I think you would understand. 

Oh, I forgot to mention that someone had placed a semi circle of stones on the beach in exactly our spot.

I thought it was rather wonderful.

Earlier in the day I noticed a new restaurant had opened up just behind where I sit.                          

I worried that I might look a little conspicuous so I wore the black lace shawl that you bought me in Italy.  

As the evening got darker I became less visible. 

I blended into the darkness and I relaxed and spoke to you.

You would laugh at my indulgence but I always bring a bottle of our favourite Taittinger and the stained glass champagne flute that you bought me in France. 

It's the only time of the year that I will drink it.

It feels wrong to drink it without you sharing it with me.

Do you remember those deep conversations we would have about how we were all connected to the sea.

Well I felt incredibly connected tonight. 

I saw you in the ripples of the water. 

I saw your face.

Truly, I did.

I heard your voice saying “I love you darling Lydia”

I cried.

I am such an ugly crier, but the sea doesn't mind.

It understands my grief.

I felt you were agreeing with me that I couldn't keep doing this.

I haven't been brave enough to say those words out loud, but tonight  I promised myself it would be the last time. I wouldnt come here again.

I felt a light breeze cross my lips. 

It was you telling me to go.



  1. A sad or a happy story, it can be read both ways. There is a great sense of loss imparted within this short piece. Either way, a well put together story.

  2. Mmmm...I remember you reading this and how it made me feel...


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