Hope - a short story written by Berni Albrighton


Death can be a sneaky bastard.

Its threatening shadow hangs around long enough for you to imagine it enveloping you.

Then you’re told, “Everything is fine. You are in remission”

So you contemplate living again.

You start thinking that 2 weeks in Thailand is a real possibility.

Having highlights would suit you after all. 

And gel extensions in shocking pink is the answer to your paper thin nails. 

You decide that the down stairs bed is going and you are calling the decorator in to revamp the lounge and the master bedroom.

Oh, and why don't we trade in the people carrier and get something a bit more sexy.

You allow yourself to breathe out and think about a future. 

You force yourself to feel better.

You listen as joyful conversations abound.

A couple of months in and you don't want to acknowledge it, but you know.

You have seen it.

The shadow crossing the walls.

Passing you in the hallway.

Leaning over you as you sit in your newly decorated lounge.

The joyful conversations stop.

You look in the mirror and see that your  highlights are not doing the trick.

Your pink nail extensions look sad against your skin.

At some point you no longer search out the shadow, it’s become your constant companion. 

“Close your eyes,” you hear  it say.

You look around one last time.


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