Heartbreak pie- a short story written by Berni Albrighton


Even before opening the cupboards I knew there would be a bottle of Daddies Brown Sauce. 

A tiny bit of watered down Spar ketchup.

An open bag of sugar with brown bits from the wet tea spoon.


Quaker Oats. 

I had hidden the Fray Bentos foil dish from the old man's dinner last night.

It was licked clean of crumbs and gravy.

The pie would look very posh in that.

He might think I bought it from the shops.

I mixed everything together.

There isn't enough to fill the foil dish so I go into the garden for some soil.

I mix that in and suddenly iIt looks like a pie.

I bake it for 20 minutes.

Hopefully the oven will cool down before Mam gets back. 

I put it in the outhouse, out of sight to cool down.

When Mam gets home I tell her I am going out to play.

I take the pie and carry it carefully down to where he lives.

The handwritten note is in my pocket.

I reach his house. 

It's so clean and white.

There is a big blue car outside.

I’m nervous in case someone sees me.

I put the pie down on the step with the note underneath. 

Dear Timothy.

I hope you enjoy the pie.

I made it especially for you.

Your secret admirer.



I ran back up to the top of the Close and stopped to look back.

The curtain moved.

Was Timothy watching me?

I decided he was, so I would do a quick Irish dance for him.

In my head I sang a jig and did some steps that I had learnt from Ann.

After a couple of minutes I ran home. 

Later there was a knock on the door.

“Berni get the door” shouted Mam.

I opened it to find a woman standing with the pie and note in her hands. 

“Are you leaving these on our doorstep?” she asked loudly.

With that my Mam came out, pushed me into the front room and without asking, told the woman there would be no more pies.

“Jesus girl, what do you think you’re doing? 

Are you mad?

Mud pies? 

Thank god your father wasn't here” 

Mam had calmed the woman and was now shouting at me.

“Do you know what the stupid bastard did?”

She lit a fag, took a deep drag and almost spat out,

“He tried to eat the bloody thing and there was a worm in it, a worm for Christ sake.

What were you thinking girl?” 

I started crying.

“She threatened to call the police if you ever do it again, do you hear me?”

I was still crying.

“Do you think he is the least bit interested in you? They’re posh people girl they don't want anything to do with the likes of us”

I ran up the stairs to my room and cried dramatically into my pillow.

It was my first serious heartbreak. 

I was 8 and I thought I would never get over it. 


  1. Mud pies indeed. And a very funny story. It read like it did happen somewhere to someone. Good work.


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