Gratitude. A short story written by Berni Albrighton


Gratitude. Where have you been all my life? 

You feel like a friend who has been with me forever and yet I have only known you  intimately this last few years.   

I talk with you every day.  

Yes I know I can be repetitive but you see, I truly am grateful for my life and everything in it.

Okay so I probably don't have to tell you every day how much I love my mountain home and the landscape.

Nor do I have to tell you how wonderful my marriage is, or how much I love my dogs, or how grateful I am to know great people, some who have become true friends. 

Do you hear me each time I thank you aloud for the sight and sound of the wildlife around me?

I imagine you might get a tiny bit fed up of  how many times I thank the universe for a thought, an idea, that helps move me forward.

I thank you for the joy of being able to read a great book or watch a great film.

To be able to listen to music that moves my very soul or transports me back to a certain part of my life.

To open the fridge and see food.

To have running water. 

To lie on a comfortable bed.

To have access to toiletries and medication. 

I never lose sight of the smaller things like finding a car parking space, or something special in the charity shop that is just waiting for me to pick it up.

I know you have been around me all my life, but I guess I was too busy to see you.

My life has slowed down, I am finally in touch with my universe, and you, my friend gratitude, will be part of me until my last.



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