Almanzora - Vic Davey-short story

Almanzora Every morning, Alma and her friend Idi carefully walked the four miles to school, picking their way along the dusty track, pockmarked with deep ruts after the recent heavy rains. Sunlight filtered through the branches of an ancient Baobab tree and the tall grasses on either side swaved in the gentle breeze. It was going to be another hot day. They chatted as they walked, their backpacks seeming to get heavier with books as each week went by. Suddenly, a flock of Collard Sunbirds flew into the air, in panic, disturbed, squawking and screeching and creating a kaleidoscope of colour in the sky with their bright plumage as they twisted and turned. Something was on the move in the bush. Alma halted, took Idi´s arm and stood, listening. A low grumble, a deep rumble came from a few metres away, something hidden by the vegetation. Dry twigs and leaves and bushes were being pushed aside and crunched underfoot. No more than ten metres in front of them, between t...