Getting to know the New Zealand conservation island of Tiritiri Matangi.


If you have nothing planned for this coming Star Wars Day,
May the Fourth be with you.

Then join Berni Albrighton, Author of: 

The Old Man of Tiritiri Matangi’ 

 Thursday 4th May 1.45pm to 3.45pm:

And learn more about the New Zealand conservation island of Tiritiri Matangi.

At the Albox venue: 

Charlottes Bar

Av. Lepanto, Albox 

Map directions:  Charlotte's Bar & Restaurant

You will get an introduction to the island and the wildlife that live there. If you are interested in wildlife and conservation or you just want to know more about this strange sounding island, come along and be enchanted.

An entrance fee of 2.50 euros per person enters you into a draw for the  chance to win a signed copy of the beautiful book

                     The Old Man of Tiritiri Matangi

You can also buy one of the few remaining copies of the book.

There will be an auction and raffle so don’t leave home without your Euros

All proceeds raised go to the APSA

Animal Protection Society of Albox.

Please email:  - balbrighton at - 

or WhatsApp 711040444 to confirm your attendance,

 in order to help Charlotte’s Bar arrange tables and chairs.


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