500 Word - Hotel for Phobics by T A Fynes

My mother had taken me on my 18th birthday to a big city hotel. She was a good friend of Gregor the owner. We spent the day shopping. Later that night as we watched a gigging blues band play. I was totally enraptured by Alex the bass player. I was touched by a nervous irrational excitement. All sorts of emotional electric currents pulsated through my veins. I held onto my mother’s hands for fear of falling. The fever rush was extreme. Nausea, trembling, a rapid heartbeat, a sensation of being swept away into another reality. I met Alex after the gig, all alone. I had sent my mother back to the room. I shook when he touched. Alex was tall, handsome and funny. Just about everything a young girl could wish for. I was still experiencing the same trembling and rapid heartbeat. I knew this was love. My mother confirmed it. She held my head, pulling me in very close, “Susi my child, love strikes in the most unusual of places, and you must be quick to g...